- May 16
The Diary of Dalton
Doyle Dalton himself debuts in Time by Einstein. But this is by far not the first time we've heard of Dalton or his diary.
- May 16
Doyle Dalton's Debut in Time by Einstein
This is where I envisioned Dalton retiring after his adventures. Remember his diary that Jamie has had all this time?
- May 12
Book Description: the Wild Hunt
Mythology is full of tales about this supernatural event called The Wild Hunt. In each northern culture there is a variation of this myth.
- May 12
Book description: Time by Einstein
Jamie Poole is no stranger to time travel. More than once she has traveled back in time. This time something is wrong.
- May 10
The Trail of Tristan
It would seem the magician is the psychopath time traveler known as Tristan.
- Apr 26
May the First be with You
And while you may have expected the phrase "May the Forth be with You" this blog is about Jamie, Beltane, and the stories coming out May 1.
- Apr 12
The Wild Hunt
This is Eliyana's story. What became of her in the end. But really, with a series about Time Travel, is this really going to be the end?
- Apr 5
Jamie is Buried Alive!
Time by Einstein opens very deliberately:
I pounded on the lid of the sarcophagus.
Sealed in.
I convulsed.
- Mar 26
Jamie and Time by Einstein
Jamie Poole is no stranger to time travel. More than once she has traveled back in time. This time something is wrong.
- Mar 20
Jamie and the Wild Hunt
Mythology is full of tales about this supernatural event. It is why we included its myth into the Jamie Poole Lore.