- May 16
The Diary of Dalton
Doyle Dalton himself debuts in Time by Einstein. But this is by far not the first time we've heard of Dalton or his diary.
- May 16
Doyle Dalton's Debut in Time by Einstein
This is where I envisioned Dalton retiring after his adventures. Remember his diary that Jamie has had all this time?
- May 12
Book Description: the Wild Hunt
Mythology is full of tales about this supernatural event called The Wild Hunt. In each northern culture there is a variation of this myth.
- May 12
Book description: Time by Einstein
Jamie Poole is no stranger to time travel. More than once she has traveled back in time. This time something is wrong.
- May 10
The Trail of Tristan
It would seem the magician is the psychopath time traveler known as Tristan.
- May 3
Watch the Rabbit, not the Magician
A new theme sneaked into Sisterhood of the Sword. This theme will continue into Time by Einstein and further into next year's book.
- Apr 12
The Wild Hunt
This is Eliyana's story. What became of her in the end. But really, with a series about Time Travel, is this really going to be the end?
- Apr 5
Jamie is Buried Alive!
Time by Einstein opens very deliberately:
I pounded on the lid of the sarcophagus.
Sealed in.
I convulsed.
- Mar 26
Jamie and Time by Einstein
Jamie Poole is no stranger to time travel. More than once she has traveled back in time. This time something is wrong.
- Mar 20
Jamie and the Wild Hunt
Mythology is full of tales about this supernatural event. It is why we included its myth into the Jamie Poole Lore.