The beginning is the end

"I resurrected a Druidess. While that was an accident, I take full responsibility." With that Jamie Poole begins a confession, and her life is forever changed. The Druidess she resurrected is an ancient ancestor named Eliyana.
But that really wasn't the beginning. As the title of this blog indicates, the beginning is the end. The end is the beginning...
A cautionary note, this blog contains spoilers. Currently there are seven books published in eBook format, but only three in paperback. We are working to catch up to get all books in both formats. Also note all links mentioned here to books will be for but all eBooks can be found on local Amazon sites. Further, paperbacks can be acquired in Canada directly from the author or some local retailers or on many Amazon sites. Options!
Jamie's estranged Dad discovers an anachronistic sword in an Egyptian tomb. Meanwhile, Jamie finds an alabaster statue bearing the same sword at a local county fair. Nothing is a coincidence. (The Isle of Osiris) Because of these discoveries, they will find one another. Brett Poole, her dad, is an archaeologist with no social skills and a overwhelming desire to understand the unexplained. This desire has driven a wedge between him and those he loves, including Jamie. She is enough like him that she possesses the same stubborn streak, and usually she is able to overlook some of his gruff behavior. Regardless, their relationship, to put it simply, is complicated.
Together Brett and Jamie unintentionally resurrect Eliyana the Druidess. For this Jamie is willing to take full responsibility, but that doesn't change that it happened or what will happen next. For any action, there are consequences. (Resurrection of the Druidess) The world of the supernatural overlaps with the living world. A tear rips the veil separating the living world from the Otherworld. Things cross over that should never cross. Beings awaken. Trees called Dryads talk. Ravens are spies for a shapeshifting and time traveling High Druid. His intent is to kill Eliyana and take the sword for himself. He has his own plans for beyond simple revenge. This Jamie must stop, but the High Druid is a cunning man who appears unstoppable.
To most, Lumen is nothing but a myth. The sword's myth evolved with the discovery of tattered fragments of an ancient manuscript. It alludes to its creation by Tubal-Cain 6000 years ago. (Tome of Tubal-Cain) The sapphire in its hilt was purchased with Nephilim blood. Of that, more will be discovered later. Its creation with an unknown and unnamed white metal instilled in it the supernatural abilities. It exists outside Time. It resurrects. It transports its bearer through Time. It is far more than an ordinary weapon.
There is considerably more than can be said--and is said--in the first three diaries which are written as a confession by Jamie Poole somewhere in the future from the events that took place. And yet, she considers that the end. How is that possible? I suppose the answer to that is to keep reading!
Later this year, two novellas will be published in paperback: Battle of the Beanfield and The Courtship of Brett Poole.
While I've mentioned several supernatural beings that Jamie has encountered, I've left a few out. The Banshee, for one. She comes from Celtic myth and is known to foretell the death of someone by washing their clothing in the river. Identify the clothes, identify who dies. I already mentioned the voices. These she lovingly calls the Chorus of Displaced Voices. They are the collective voice of Eliyana's people. These people were killed almost 1500 years before Jamie's birth. They compel her to return back in time and stop their murder. Jamie assumes Clydus killed them, but he had help from the most supernatural being of all. Tristan.
Who is Tristan?
Brett uses the name like a curse: Tristan's Blood! Jamie's mom grows silent on the matter, but something she knows, she just isn't talking. Tristan once visited Jamie when she was 16, but this she's oddly forgotten.
Of this, I can promise, Tristan is not what you think. He will follow Jamie to the end...or to the beginning.
If you wish to discover more about Tristan and discern what he might be up to, the books to be released in paper this year will be insightful. Tristan travels to Stonehenge in the 1980s. Then he's on scene when Brett first meets Jamie's mom. You can be certain he will not leave that budding romance alone. Can there be found in him any goodness, or is he simply there, as Jamie says, running along the timeline dangling scissors carelessly over the fabric of Time. He changes Time. It is Jamie's destiny to fix what he's broken. Everything she experiences is in a broke timeline. Only she doesn't realize it. She will have friends to support and guide, both natural and supernatural, but will it be enough?
You can be assured of one thing: this will not be the last blog to talk about Tristan or the upcoming books. More details specific to them will be released.
While I've mentioned several supernatural beings that Jamie has encountered, I've left a few out. The Banshee, for one. She comes from Celtic myth and is known to foretell the death of someone by washing their clothing in the river. I already mentioned the voices. These she lovingly calls the Chorus of Displaced Voices. They are the collective voice of Eliyana's people. These people were killed almost 1500 years before Jamie's birth. They compel her to return back in time and stop their murder. Jamie assumes Clydus killed them, but he had help. The most supernatural being of all: Tristan.
Again, who is Tristan?
Perhaps, the better question is WHEN is Tristan?
That is the puzzle Jamie must solve to stop him and his reckless regard for the fabric of Time.
Do you think I'm going to hand you the answer?
You'll have to follow Jamie to find out the answer!
Meanwhile, enjoy your summer, and get the current Jamie Poole Books. Check out Facebook to find out how to get them on sale with the Summer Solstice Sale if you live in Canada! (This link also lists retailers through whom you can get copies.)